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Introduction to the Lecture Notes
1. Flood Defences: Basic Concepts
1.1 Types of Flood Defences
1.2 Safety: General Principles
1.3 Dikes: basic technical aspects
1.4 Functions of flood defences
1.5 Dike reinforcements – general aspects
2. Failure Mechanism
2.1 What is failure?
2.2 Overview of failure mechanisms
2.3 Failure mechanisms for other types of flood defences
2.4 Relationship between failure mechanism and elements of the dike
3. Flood Risk Analysis
3.1 Introduction
3.2 General approach for flood risk analysis
3.3 Flood hazard analysis
3.4 Probability of failure of flood defences
3.5 Breaching and flood scenarios
3.6 Flood damage assesment
3.7 Flood risk analysis
3.8 Flood risk evaluation
3.9 Derivation of new safety standards in the Netherlands
3.10 Measures and strategies for flood risk reduction
4. Loads and Boundary Conditions
4.1 Hydraulic loads on dikes
4.2 Still water levels
4.3 Wind waves
4.4 Geotechnical boundary conditions
4.5 Rhine river example: factors influencing the loads
5 Overtopping and overflow
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Overflow
5.3 Run-up on straight smooth slopes
5.4 Overtopping on straight smooth slopes
5.5 Reduction factors for roughness, berms and oblique wave attack
5.6 Overtopping quantity of a single wave
5.7 Allowable run-up and overtopping
Internal erosion (piping)
7.1. Description of the (sub-)mechanism(s)
7.2. Limit states and models
7.3. Design options and mitigation measures
7.4. Emergency counter-measures
Open issue