3. Flood Risk Analysis#
Note to students#
Sections with required knowledge for the course CIE5314 Flood Defences are Sections 3.1.1, 3.2-3.4.2, 3.7-3.7.1, 3.8.1-3.8.3 and 3.9.3. The other sections provide more contextual and background information. It is still recommended to read these sections.
Learning objectives#
After studying the chapter on flood risk analysis students are able:
To understand and explain the basic concepts of flood risk analysis;
To perform a basic / simplified flood risk analysis and quantify the risks for a given system using different risk metrics (economic risk, individual risk, societal risk);
To perform a (simplified) reliability analysis of flood defences at the section and system level - also using a basic understanding of the length effect and dependency;
To (quantitatively) evaluate the effect of risk reduction measures;
To understand describe how the new safety standards for flood defences in the Netherlands have been derived.
The section on flood risk analysis could also serve as a background and reference document for students and professionals that want to perform a quantitative flood risk analysis.